Everlast Pulley Wheels and OEM Equipment
How can our products and components help your company?
Our pulley wheels and assemblies have already found an important place in many OEM and specialty applications. These include...
- Dog Runs: Let your dog run free! Our Everlast #70 Utility Pulley was originally designed for the dog runs and the pet care industry. It is an indispensable part of a quality dog trolley. Contact us for special recommendations if this is your application.
Tie-Downs and Signage: Our Everlast #90 Line Tightner is great for this application - quick, easy, and strong when used with the appropriate rope.
Exercise and Rehabilitation Equipment. Our Everlast #70 and Everlast #80 have found wide application in this field. Contact us about the Everlast #80 pulley assembly.
- Instant Garages: Our Everlast #60 Separator modified with a roller instead of a grooved pulley works great for the doors of these units.
- Wire and Cable Distribution on Job Sites: We have seen a number of our pulleys used in these applications, including the Everlast #50.
- Ham Radio Antennas
- Our parts are high quality and proudly made right here in the USA
- In the lists below, current, stock specifications are shown, though in many cases they can be customized (materials and dimensions) to meet OEM equipment requirements
- Links are provided to the full standard assemblies from which the components derive
- Contact us to discuss pricing and any adjustments you may find necessary. We'd be delighted to help support your production.
- Looking for Everlast consumer products? That category can be found at this link